Friday, April 13, 2012

Letter to God (What I've learnt from it)

Letter to God
Letter to God tells about the great spirit of the young boy, Tayler (Tanner Maguire), who has the acute cancer. He never give up to face his disease. It makes him success to inspire the people around him.
This inspiring movie is started by the scene of the posting activity in the morning. The boy named Tayler puts a letter in the mail box in front of his house secretly. The postman doesn’t feel weird when see the destination address of Tyler’s letter. Everyday Tayler does the same thing.  He sends a letter to God.
Having the acute cancer, Tayler never give up. One of the reasons why he still survives is the beloved people around him. In that house, he lives with her mother, Maddy Doherty (Robyn Lively), her older brother, Ben Doherty (Michael Bolten) and his grandmother, Olivia (Maree Cheatam) who always supports him. His father passed away some years ago. Although his mother is a widow, she always tries her best for Tayler. Ben and their grandmother treat him well too when his mother goes to work. Tyler has also a best friend, Samatha (Bailee Madison).  She helps Tyler not only in the house but also in school.
Unexpectedly, Tayler’s letters give the great impact for the Brady McDaniels (Jeffrey Johnson), the new postman who feels confused where he must bring Tyler’s letters. Then, he decides to bring the letters to Church. But the Pastor refuses the letters and asks him to decide where he should bring the letters by himself.  Finally, Brady reads all of Tyler’s letters. He gets many moral values from those letters.
Like what Brady has got, I can also learn about the spirit of live, the way to survive in the difficult situation and face the problems bravely. I don’t need to be afraid to face the problems that I’ve got because God is always there for me. “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape, so that you are able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).
I has also to be grateful with the all of the conditions in my life. I believe God has the special purposes behind the problems that I've faced. Beside that, this movie reminds me to keep the relationship that I have with my family, my friends or the other people around me. Giving respect to others is better than waiting for it. :)

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